(Sven) Erik and Karolina Åberg Family Page
This Web site section contains information about the lives and adventures of (Sven) Erik & Karolina Åberg, their 9 children, and the descendants of those children. (Sven) Erik was Nils Henrik's and John Peter's younger brother. (Sven) Erik stayed in Sweden and raised a large family mostly in the Storebro Bruk, Vimmerby area. He apparently went by just Erik. Some of his Åberg descendants live in Virserum, Storebro and Stockholm today.
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image: Sven Erik & Karolina Åberg
(Sven) Erik & Karolina Åberg (wedding in 1874)
(Picture courtesy of Birgitta Åberg, Göran Ekelund, and Emil Ekelund)